Dedicated to the goal of collective Black liberation, the Black Knowledge Coalition (BKC) removes barriers to information for the Black community. Leaning on the principles of mutual aid and with a commitment to community education, BKC shares valuable information that is kept behind a paywall with the people. By using more accessible language and encouraging dialogue and organizing, BKC uses a coalition of minds to expand the information network within our community.

The Black Knowledge Coalition holds regular discussions on texts and topics relevant to the betterment of Black people, Black liberation, and the end of white supremacy and imperialism. BKC believes that all education is political education. White supremacy has constructed our world and its reach is expansive. Our work is centered around taking what we are learning within these institutions and from our lived experiences and applying it to Black liberation.

Whether it’s online or in person, we arm our community with the knowledge necessary to mobilize toward collective freedom.

“The problems facing ‘real people’ today can be solved by merely bridging the gap between our superior knowledge and people outside the ivy walls who simply do not have access to that knowledge.”

— Robin D.G. Kelley, Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination (2003)

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